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Eagle and Child – Aquila and Antinous

Fountain Inn – Aquarius the Water Bearer

The Bear, The Plough, The Seven Stars – Ursa Major

The Red / Black / White / Golden / Blue Lion – Leo

The White / Black / Golden Swan – Cygnus

The Raven – Corvus

Robin Hood – Sagittarius


Pillars of Hercules

The Greyhound, The Black Dog – Canis Major

The Red / Green Dragon – Draco

The Ram’s Head, The Old Fleece, The Woolpack – Aries


Fox and Goose – Vulpecula and Anser


Bull’s Head – Taurus

The Angel – Virgo

The Unicorn Inn – Monoceros

Hare and Hounds – Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices

The Criterion – Libra

Punch Bowl – Crater

The Bleeding Wolf – Lupus

George and Vulture – Lyra

Ship Tavern – Argo Navis

Royal Oak – Robur Carolinum

In the 17th and 18th Century a lot of the pubs were named after STAR CONSTELLATIONS ?! Red Lion – Leo What was the reasoning behind this? |
Take a look at the PDF ebook (70MB file) available for download to discover something quite astonishing.
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New World Star Spangled Banners

Urania’s Mirror Star Charts – first published in 1824 by Sidney Hall.
Templates for pub signs perhaps?
Horse and Dolphin – Equleus and Delphinus
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Horse and Dolphin, Maxfield Street, near St. Ann’s, London 1737
Black Horse and Dolphin, Mansfield Street, Soho, London 1765
Dolphin and Horseshoe, Lamb’s Conduit Passage, Red Lion St., Holborn, London, 1765
pornvpn免费下载, St. Martin’s Street, Leicester Square, London 1785